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Saturday, May 15, 2010

nota untuk diriku

Assalamualaikum , hello lovely friendz =)

Im back. been a busy week, running here and there and klz tmbhn. hows everyone doing? harap harap semua baik baik belaka.

so today i got a tweet saying how geram he was when he found i hate ahmad firdaus . well, i cant please everyone, and i wont. i wont try hard to please semua orang. coz in life, kita ada choice sendiri dan hak masing masing kan. so biarlah mereka dengan dunia mereka. kita tak rugi apa2 pun. yg penting hidup gembira, murah rezeki dan happy !

Speaking of hak and choice , kita ada hak sendiri. saya pun! terpulang samada saya nak bercerita tentang cinta , kerja atau family. bagi saya, bila dah jadi student,kita bljr dan do the best. but bila kita dengan ikhlasnya share about private life, ada lah bunyi bunyi yg "busuk" dan kurang enak yg kita dengar. so you decide what you want and i will decide what i want! but one thing i know is i will always be myself wether you like it or not. originality sangat penting. Faking it is a no no !

Please avoid passing judgement sebab kita kadang2 bukan kenal sangat org tp mulut rajin dan confident bercakap seolah2 kita kenal org tu. dont judge as good or bad but be at peace with how things and people are in life.

try and spread positivity. thats how our mind shud be. be positive, mind body and soul. InshaAllah hati tak busuk dan ada hasad dengki =)

last but not least, this week is so tired to me , especially when i have to attend klzz tmbhn but i through it smoothly with all my spirits for next week ... ermmm , i have 6 days more to be a kids and after that , i have to change everything in my life and di ksmpatan ini , fird nk mnx maaf kat sume teachers yg ajr fird especially ckgu yg byk fird sktkn hati and SELAMAT HARI GURU =)

terima kasih kepada mereka yg menyokong saya dan perjalanan kerjaya saya. Alhamdulillah utk semua. Semoga Allah berkati kita semua dan lindung dr benda tak baik. ingat, bersihkan hati dan minda. till then


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