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Friday, May 20, 2011

maafkan segala salah silap saya untuk 16 tahun

Salam my dear friends.

It's my birthday of 2010. Alhamdulillah, it's has been a mixed life for me. I am grateful for everything , good or bad. I believe it all happened for a reason.

Saya nak ucapkan TERIMA KASIH yg tak terhingga kepada anda semua. Yg banyak menyokong saya, memberi nasihat, dan percaya kpd saya. Dan menerima saya adalah manusia biasa juga. Saya belajar dan akan terus belajar.

As we get ready to step into new phase, saya mendoakan everything that we plan will turn the way we expect it to be. InshaAllah. I wish u all the happiness, blessings and more rezeki pada hari akan datang.

Let's 'freshen up'. Lupakan yg lama, look forward, sentiasa berfikiran sihat. I have a strong feeling that it's gonna be a remarkable one. We still have time. And hope. So we must change for the better.

Right now, i'm still in the exam mood but sometimes it's really irritaring me but i need to stand up with that. Habis 2 season and ade lagi 1 season je, can't wait. Besok, nk gie dgr ceramah amik lesen for 6 jam, right now, ngah pikir ape nak buat during 6 jam, lame k0wt.

Doakan kesejahteraan dan ketenangan hidup saya dan juga perjalanan hidup saya. We have been tested but yet we're still here surviving. Thanks to Allah. I will always love Him.

To my friends, I love ya'll. Without u I'm nothing.

To my family,thanks for always believing in me .


Be safe where ever you are.



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